WP Dark Mode Lifetime Deal

What is it? The Best WordPress Dark Mode Plugin.

Categories: WordPress

Deal Type: Lifetime Deal

30% OFF

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Dark Mode is a hugely popular design trend. It’s also a great idea if you’re looking to reduce the strain on your eyes.

However, finding a plugin that offers a true dark mode can be tricky.

Introducing WP Dark Mode…

WP Dark Mode is a WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly switch to a dark mode. It’s easy to use and the perfect solution for those that find a bright white screen too harsh on their eyes.

Highlights (TL;DR):

Provides Eye-Pleasing User Experience.

Switch Between Different Dark Mode Styles.

Switch to Dark Mode in One Click.

Supports All the Well-Known Page Builder in WordPress.

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What’s included in this deal:

  • For 50 sites
  • All free features
  • Time based dark mode
  • 5 exclusive color schemes
  • Multiple dark mode switch style
  • Shortcode support
  • Switch placement on left/right positions
  • Native WordPress widget
  • Exclude certain pages from WP Dark Mode
  • Excludes certain elements from getting affected by Dark Mode
  • Includes settings
  • Custom Switch Text & Custom Switch Support
  • 14-day money back guarantee

Get lifetime access for just $174.30 one-time payment.

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