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3x Personal CloudPages.Cloud Lifetime Deal Giveaway (Ended)

Update: This giveaway has ended. Congratulations to winners!

Welcome to the CloudPages lifetime deals giveaway. Giveaway is sponsored by CloudPages.Cloud team and is open to our community members.

Visit their official website to learn more:

3 random winners will each win one personal CloudPages Cloud LTD.

The contest is based on “Random Winners” so you only need to enter with your name & email to get a chance to win and you do not need to be a top scorer to win.

Additionally, you can complete one or more bonus entries to increase your odds.

We will only use your email address to verify you and announce the results of the contest.

After the contest finishes, all emails will be deleted and will not be used for marketing purposes.

The contest rules are as follows:

  • Upon submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation email that will require you to verify your email address. (MUST)
  • False refer entries will be disqualified.
  • We will verify bonus entry actions prior to selecting the winner, and any fake entries will be disqualified.

How will the winner be chosen?

In order to keep a transparent selection process, the whole winner selection process will be recorded in video.

Then we will announce the winner with video in our community, YouTube and in email.

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2 thoughts on “3x Personal CloudPages.Cloud Lifetime Deal Giveaway (Ended)”

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