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Hoverify Yearly Deal

What is it? All-in-One Browser Extension for Web Development.

Categories: Leads & Sales, Marketing

Deal Type: Yearly Deal

Deal Source: Exclusive

Deal Availability: Expired

95% OFF

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All-in-one browser extension for web development – inspector, color eyedropper, built with, responsive, assets & screenshots.

Highlights (TL;DR):

Inspect html and css by just hovering over the element.

Know what technologies a site uses with one click.

Quickly fetch images, svgs and videos from page.

Pick colors from anywhere on the page even images and iframes.

Preview any site on multiple screen sizes side-by-side.

Take screenshot of page or every tab at once.

Video Review

Hoverify Review & Appsumo Lifetime Deal - Firefox & Chrome Extension (Web Developer Inspector)

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Difference Between Hidden and Remove Feature?

The difference between visibility: hidden; and display: none; is that ‘visibility’ doesn’t remove the element from the document flow, it just hides its visibility (other elements won’t move up to take over that space.) That’s why when you just hid the element the text beneath the heading stayed in place. But, when you “removed” it, it removes the element from the DOM or document flow. When you do display: none; it’s taken out and other elements below it will “move-in” to take up the space where the previous element (now removed) used to reside.

Is it Similar to CSS Hero?

No it does not save changes this just for some quick testing. CSS Hero is mainly for designing our sites where this tool set is play and identify all the elements and properties of any websites on the internet without having back-end access.

When is Firefox Planned?

Firefox version is under works. Most probably released end of this month or next month.

Can We Edit the Properties Besides only Viewing From the Inspector Window?

You can edit styles, media queries and animations. You can also edit html attributes.

Is There a Roadmap?

Yes, you can see the roadmap at

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