HyLyt Lifetime Deal
95% OFF
Lifetime Deal

HyLyt Lifetime Deal

Converse and collaborate with features to enhance productivity of your remote teams using multiple apps and collection of information.
Expired August 30, 2020
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HyLyt Lifetime Deal

The 6 most common apps used in business are:

  1. Collaboration and Communication (email and IM)
  2. Note taking
  3. Messaging (chats)
  4. Cloud storage
  5. Video Conference
  6. Scheduling (reminder/ calendar)

HyLyt is 6 apps rolled into one. 

HyLyt is going to help you manage all the important information from multiple places – giving you a complete picture – and can do the work of 6 separate apps that are commonly used today, all in a single place. 

Highlights (TL;DR):

Managing Remote Teams

Knowledge transfer from old to new user

Unifying Data Silos

IP Protection

Preventing Data Leakage and enhanced cyber security

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