Mailifier Lifetime Deal
Lifetime Deal

Mailifier Lifetime Deal

Email verification tool which cleans up email lists to remove fake leads.
Expired November 3, 2021
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Mailifier Lifetime Deal

Mailifier is a Bulk Email Verification Tool that verifies email addresses and removes the risk of email bounce backs.

With Mailifier, customers can manually or automatically import their email lists into the system to verify email addresses.

For an one-time fee, customers can access Mailifier’s full suite of features, which includes verification, validation, and removal services to ensure your email campaign is delivered successfully.

Highlights (TL;DR):

Validate thousands of emails with a user-friendly dashboard or with a simple API call.

Best for: Email marketers who want to clean up their lists and improve campaign performance.

Increase the deliverability rate of your mailing lists over 99%.

Alternative to Neverbounce, Zerobounce, TheChecker.

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