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IMGHaste Lifetime Deal

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Imghaste is an image optimization CDN service that compresses your website images and delivers it to your audience through CDN for the closest server to reduce speed for user experience and SEO.

Imghaste Review, How to Setup, Results, Compare with ShortPixel

Highlights (TL;DR):

Serving from 550+ Edge Servers worldwide provide a faster content delivery all over the world.

AVIF, WebP, Client Hints, Size reduction, Effective Connection Type, Progressive JPEGs, Interlaced PNGs and many more.

With the power of Service Workers, we are able to offer you enterprise-level solutions for your website at the cost of €€. comes with a Plug & Play Service Worker. That will do all the work for your.

Keep all benefits, leverage the flexibility imghaste provides, and stay on top of search results.

Serve your images at the right dimensions using the power of Client Hints.

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What CDN Does Imghaste Use?

Cloudflare, Cloudfront, BelugaCDN, and their own cluster.

How is Credit Consumption Calculated?

  • When you first request an image for optimization, it consumes one credit.
  • Then it automatically set 1-month expiration by default.
  • Then this image stays at CDN Cache and will be served from the closest endpoint (Only consumes credit bandwith)
  • Until CDN cache expires
  • Once the CDN cache expires, and the image is reaccessed then one credit is consumed.

Benefits of Using Imghaste over Shortpixel

  • Images even compress images from CSS files and ajax requests.
  • Imghaste won’t change your URLs nor point to an external domain (Whitelabel)

Limitations of Using Imghaste over Shortpixel

  • It uses Service worker which is not available in 7% of browser versions
  • Speed optimization test from GTmetrix or Pingdom will not be possible due to imghaste optimizes using personalization as well as will not charge for traffic coming from bots.

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