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EmailThis Lifetime Deal – WebPages to Emails

What is it? Remove ads & distractions from the web page and send you a beautifully formatted email with just the text and images.

Categories: CRM, , Marketing

Deal Type: Lifetime Deal

Deal Source: Exclusive

Deal Availability: Expired

51% OFF

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EmailThis will remove ads & distractions from the web page and send you a beautifully formatted email with just the text and images.

You can read the email anytime you like, anywhere you like on your computer, mobile, and tablet.

Introducing EmailThis Lifetime Deal - SaaSPirate Deal

There is a free version where the user can only save 20 web pages per month. You can try this if you want to try it out before purchasing it. There is also 30 days “no questions asked” refund policy.

Video review of EmailThis

EmailThis Review - How to Email a Web Page in All Browsers

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Add EmailThis browser extension or bookmarklet

Install Chrome, Firefox or Opera Extension or Drag and drop bookmarklet into your browser’s bookmark bar. It works on all browsers out of the box, including those on mobile (iOS/Android) devices.

Send interesting articles to your email inbox with one-click

When you come across an exciting web-page, send it through EmailThis with a single mouse then an ad-free copy will wait for your in your email inbox. Send interesting articles to your email inbox with one-click.

Read it from your favorite email inbox or client

Read your saved articles anytime you want, anywhere you want. Just open up the email and read it. It will also contain a link to the source webpage, contain PDF if you want & It evens works offline!


1. Use Chrome / Firefox / Opera Extension

When you find an interesting article, click the Email This button. Email This will extract the main text and images from that article (it removes ads and distractions) and sends you a nice email that you can read later.

2. Keyboard shortcut (hotkeys)

Hit Ctrl + Shift + U (on Windows/Linux) or Command ⌘ + Shift + U (on Mac) to activate Email This and send the current page via email.

3. Right-click and save links

Right-click anywhere on a page to send the current page via email.

4. Drag and Drop to Bookmarklet in Any Browser

When you come across interesting articles or web pages, click your EmailThis bookmark.

5. Works on mobiles & tablets as well!

You can use EmailThis easily from your mobile or tablet devices. Simply click a bookmark or share to send to your email.


Save unlimited bookmarks

A non-premium user can only save 20 web pages per month. Premium Plan has no such restriction.

Attach notes to your bookmarks

Add keywords and notes to your bookmarks. This will help you search and retrieve your bookmarks faster ( See screenshot).

Save PDF snapshots

Save a PDF snapshot of every page that you save. You can then share, annotate or print the PDF.

Email yourself PDF, DOC, PPTs, Excel files and images

Let’s say that while browsing the web, you come across a PDF/image/DOCX file that you want to save. You can right-click it and choose ‘EmailThis’.

EmailThis will automatically download the file and send it as an email attachment.

Thus you are freed from having to download it and store it on your computer. You can access that file anytime you want by opening your email inbox.

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