Voxpow Lifetime Deal
79% OFF
Lifetime Deal

Voxpow Lifetime Deal

Add voice-enabled recognition technology to your website and let your user navigate it the same way as a digital assistant.
Expired November 22, 2020
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Voxpow Lifetime Deal

Voxpow allows you to add voice-enabled recognition technology to your website and let your user navigate it the same way as a digital assistant. The system uses high-quality voice recognition models designed specifically for delivering over 95% accuracy in the conversion of voice to text.

Highlights (TL;DR):

Voice Commands to Your Website: Voice commands in the context of Voxpow give you the ability to define custom rules, which can correspond to some use searches.

Supports Multiple Languages: Voxpow also supports your global user base, recognizing more than 100 languages and variants and uses Google Cloud Speech-to-Text stream to convert results, immediately returning text as the user is speaking.

Browser Compatibility: Voxpow works with all browsers that implement the Speech Recognition interface of the Web Speech API (such as Google Chrome, Samsung Internet, and other).

Natural Language Processing: Voxpow’s NLP techniques rely on machine learning to derive meaning from human languages such as sentiment analysis and part of speech tagging.

Voice Recognition Trackers: Voxpow supports a lot of build-in themes to choose the design which suits your website best. All of the design support left and right orientation to better suit your website design and additional widgets.

Add Custom Commands for Voice Control: While you have Voxpow’s pre-build tracker themes, you can still implement your own designs for your voice tracker. You can define and add some custom commands inside of your website.

Tiny JavaScript Speech Recognition Library: Voxpow has no dependencies, uses pure JavaScript, weighs just 3 KB, and it is super easy to use. Place the installation code in your website HTML body tag, and you are ready to go.

WordPress Plugin: It’s no secret that WordPress is one of the most popular ways to build a website. That’s why Voxpow decided to make a separate WordPress integration, despite the fact that the installation of Voxpow tracker is quite easy.

Noise Robustness: The Speech-to-Text services can handle noisy audio from many environments without requiring additional noise cancellation.

Google Analytics Synchronization: With this new feature, you need to turn one switch ON in your tracker settings, and Voxpow will start using your JavaScript GA object to send custom events to Analytics.

Speech-to-Text Conversions: Voxpow service trying to find all input or text fields on a particular page, and when the voice tracker is activated, and the user clicks on a text or input field, he sees the change in the widget, inviting him to write with voice.

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