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WP Scheduled Posts Discount Deal

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An all-in-one WordPress plugin to schedule pretty much anything.

It contains a content calendar, smart auto-scheduler, auto social sharing, missed schedule handler, and much more.

It’s suitable for:

  • Blog owners who want to publish posts and products specific time.
  • Blog owners who publish a lot of posts on their own or with multiple editors then allows us to manage everything efficiently.
WP Scheduled Posts Review & Walk-through - WordPress Schedule Plugin

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First, thank you so much for checking out this video.

In this video, I will be covering a lifetime deal on WP Scheduled Posts.

I will be doing a full review, why it is needed, and a complete walkthrough of the plugin.

Before we go into that, the link for this lifetime deal is available on the video description; anytime during the video, if you decided to purchase it, you can click, and you can buy it.

I will be getting a small commission for that, but it does not affect any sales price. It will allow me to support to create more videos like this.

Okay, without further ado, let me first explain what is WP Scheduled Posts.

It is a WordPress plugin, which means you won’t be able to use it with any other CM or even HTML. It only works with WordPress.

It helps us to schedule do pretty much everything in WordPress according to the way you want, and also it allows you to post directly to social media platforms automatically.

So it pretty much helps you to schedule everything, and at the same time, it helps you to publish it on social media.

OKOK. Right now, if you are wondering why scheduling a post can be a big task where we need to have a separate plugin.

It may not look like a long process if you have a small website or if you’re posting a couple of posts each month.

For example, let’s take a scenario where are you have a website and you want to post different post, page, or custom post types in a particular time in future, so you can’t be using this post schedule on WordPress, what happens that whole process is messy with reminders, email and not able to visually track everything or if there’s a problem with WordPress, then post might get missed out on during particular time.

So you need to have a management system to fully control and take control of the whole processes.

So in that case, it will be useful for you second reason, where you have a very big website with so much posting, scheduling, approving the post so many authors even if you’re posting a single handly all these posts or you have a whole bunch of authors submitting content automatically scheduling.

In that case, using the traditional scheduling and checking manually, it will take time, and it will not help you to stay organized.

In that case, this plugin will be highly suitable for you. So if you are in one of these things, then it is appropriate.

If you have a small website, you might not feel it is not needed for you, but in case if you want to check it out, stay through this video, and I will explain it into everything.

OKOK, now let’s take a look into what you will get.

Once you purchased it, you will be able to see the download from here; all you need to do is click on download, and it will automatically download the zip file for the plugin.

Once it’s done, all you need to do is go into your plugin page and Select add new, and you can upload that particular zip by selecting the upload button, and you can upload it.

Once you’re done, you would see this entry; it is where all most of the functions of the plugin are listed going to that section.

You can see this is the dashboard of the plugin.

Two things you need to understand first when you install the plugin for the first time, it will ask you to activate your plugin they are you can get the license key for this plugin by going to subscription tab and come here to the license tab, and you can activate your license.

The second thing you want to see a basic dashboard actually for the first time when you install it will automatically take you through a wizard process where you can define what do you want.

What social network do you connect to what kind of schedule you want to make, and so just by completing that configuration wizard, you will be fully able to start this plugin up and running on your website?

I want you to test everything bit, so I did the wizard, I’d show you how to set up everything manually but the following wizard it’s really easy for anyone to get to understand around this plugin on how it works.

OKOK now let’s take a look into the dashboard on each what it does, first.

These are the different visual options, for example, when you enable this as soon as you come into WordPress dashboard, you will be able to see it in the dashboard for an on this page.

What I mean is if you come into the WordPress dashboard once you’re logged in, it will show here your scheduled posts in case you are currently I don’t have anything, so it’s not showing otherwise it will show to you.

This is to show schedule and what happens is when the post has been shared, it will show you the latest 5 to 10 post in the above menu bar.

You can see always see what is going to be published next by using this plugin.

Remember this will not be visible to your visitor, only the person who was logged into the system through WordPress, they will be able to see all these things.

You can also limit roles so you can configure I’ll explain it to you later.

Another important thing I wanted to emphasize to you guys; this plugin is not only about scheduling WordPress posts because it has the power to schedule almost everything.

Let’s say, for example, you own an eCommerce store where you have several hundred products, and you want to publish these products at a particular time, or according to the schedule like for Saturday, I tried to add products at this specific time.

You can limit the categories; for example, I only want this particular plugin to work with when that post fits under this specific category, you can choose that.

Let’s say, for example, draft if you are managing editorial content with different authors; you want to focus only on the material which is coming on a draft. You can do it, or You can have a specific name, then you can choose it.

You can choose multiple by clicking here. In case you want to delete something, you can delete it here.

What this means is for what different user roles you want to provide full access to this plugin so they can make changes and edit all these options.

You can do it by selecting all these possible things from here. It is something a bit advanced, and you might feel find it technical.

What it does is this is the template for this particular menu. What happens is, when we schedule something, we are letting this template know that show me the title of the post, author-date, and the title.

When you schedule a post, it will look according to this particular template here.

So it’s just for your user of preference, and it does not affect any functionality it just to help you understand what is will be going out in a few according to the schedule.

Let me show you the main stuff. This is the main functionality of this plugin.

For example, first, let me configure my timezone. When you set the time it will work according to your time zone.

The biggest function is called “Auto-Schedule” what that means is you set up like how many posts you want to post on each day. For example, you can say Sunday; I want to post one time, Monday I need to post two times and Tuesday I don’t want to post anything like that you can specify for each day.

So what happens this as soon as you take some content and automatic click on schedule, it will follow this particular slots, and according to the number of posts, it will automatically schedule posts.

You can specify the time interval; for example, we can set the task starting time here. For example, I want the starting time at nine o’clock am and maximum I want this content to be published before eight o’clock.

So, like that, you can set up your particular time interval and as well as the post.

Here it automatically, without you even assigning particular posts on this day as soon as it has been scheduled it will follow this guideline to publish the post according to the schedule.

So activating this can be like a safe mechanism safe failure to make sure to post the posts which missed the schedules.

They also have a social media auto-post option, and in this link, you can see get the details, and they also provided tutorials for both settings.

They are already working on their app integrated with Facebook its is coming soon.

They also provide step by step integration on how to connect it.

When the post is published automatically, you can publish that particular status update via Twitter and also Facebook.

If we go into the social templates, you can control how the messages or the status will be appearing on your social profile, for example; they also provide full detail documentation for both of these methods.

You can check it here, you can see for Twitter, they’re having a title, variable, content, URL, & tags.

So it will take these things from the post, and it will automatically use it, you can read it here in the documentation, I leave the link for this documentation below so you can check it out.

Facebook also the same you can see they’ve given us all the options and what type of content you’re want to post as a link or status; all these things are shown here.

Another cool function, which I liked about this plugin is there is an option called content calendar what this is, this is a full content calendar where you will be able to see all the post published on that particular day, all the post which is coming to in future day or you can even create a new draft post from here.

There are all the navigation options available so you can go through this calendar.

So basically, that said WP scheduled posts are not just for scheduling jobs but scheduling everything on your website.

It’s currently available on lifetime deals from $39, so if you are managing a big website and you think it might be helpful for you, then you can check it out using the link below itself. It’s an affiliate link, and if you make a purchase, I will receive a small commission, but it will not affect the sales price at all.

It will help me to create more videos like this. I hope this video was helpful if you have any doubts or questions on this particular plugin.

Feel free to leave the comment below in the video, and I will personally try to help you guys.

So thank you so much for checking out this video. And I hopefully see you guys in another excellent lifetime deal.

Thank you

Highlights (TL;DR):

Plan, create and publish your WordPress posts—all in one place.

Best for: Bloggers, creative teams, agencies, and small business owners who want to collaborate on content, the easy way.

Schedule unlimited posts and auto-share to all major social networks

Use the drag-and-drop feature to easily move and edit posts right in the calendar.

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Features List

Schedule Calendar

Manage your content with a great visual calendar. Supports drag and drop organization, and you can create new posts right from the calendar.

Auto Scheduler

Get absolute control over your content schedule. Save your precious time and automate all the posts you want to share during your preferable time.

Auto Social Sharing

Share your WordPress Blog Posts automatically on Twitter & Facebook. Increase your content visibility on Social Media to get more traffic & engagement.

Missed Schedule Handler

WordPress might miss the schedule for a post for various reasons. WP Scheduled Posts will take care of this to publish the missed schedule.

WP Scheduled Posts Pros

  • A product from an established company.
  • Great product roadmap
  • Both automatic and manual scheduling is easy to use.
  • A feature-rich calendar to view past and upcoming posts with the ability to create new posts.

WP Scheduled Posts Cons

  • Connecting to Twitter and Facebook is a bit technical.
  • Still, it’s missing Linkedin Share, Google My Business Integration & Instagram.
  • Since it’s a plugin, it’s dependent on the hosting. (Not a separate SaaS)


Overall it’s excellent on what it’s doing, This plugin is not needed for every blogger, but it will be a great help for some who handle a lot of posts or highly focused on publish posts on a specific time.

What’s included in this deal:

  • All Standard Deal Features

Get 1-yr access for just $39.20

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