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AnyPicker is a visual web scraper. Setting the web extraction rules super easily, just by clicking what you see on the website.

Scrape any data from any website using a free chrome extension without a single line of code. Learn how to use google chrome web scraper to extract data and save it into excel and CSV.

AnyPicker is a Chrome extension for visual web scraping. It sets the net extraction rules super quickly, by merely clicking what the simple truth is on the website and without needing to download any other software.

Integrated with Google Sheets, it saves scraped data just with one click, saving you time to upload and parse your data by Google Driver. All data is processed in your local computer; it is never passing through AnyPicker’s web server, so no person knows what you scraped.

AnyPicker Review - Visual Web Scraper Chrome Extension

Read Transcript of AnyPicker Visual Web Scraper Video

Are you looking to scrape data from the website without coding and quickly and visually, then this video is for you?

  • In this video, we’ll be looking into how to scrape data from a website for free.
  • How to use a visual way of scraping without coding or any technical knowledge.
  • How to save the data, what we scraped into a CSV.
  • I’ll be showing you an example of how we can scrape data from popular sites like Yelp, eBay & Amazon.

So let’s get started.

Hi, I must first thank you so much for checking out this video.

In this video, we’ll be looking at a chrome addon called anypicker.

what it does is it helps you to scrape data from websites without any technical knowledge at all.

First, let’s take a look at the addon page.

This is anypicker page, and I leave the link in the description.

It’s currently in Chrome, or you need to add this Chrome plugin to your web browser. You don’t need to have a paid subscription to use this.

You can see it shows the pricing for a free plan; they are offering up to 660 pages a month on scraping data only the limitation for the free plan you can’t save templates from redoing without doing everything from scratch.

I’ll explain it to you in this video and no auto-download date option.

If you’re interested in getting the paid version, there is a lifetime deal with saving up to around 96% in which comes under about $20 to $30 for a lifetime deal plan, and I have a coupon to reduce the price even more.

I will leave the link for the lifetime deal in the video description with the coupon code.

Now let’s see how we can scrape data using this plugin.

first, once you come here and install the plugin, it will automatically have installed an icon similar to this please note you need to have a Chrome browser to make sure this plugin works.

First, I will show you a sample from their sandbox page, which means they have created a page where you can eat Scrape and test the plugin to make sure it works.

I show you the example here first; then I’ll show you the example in Yelp and eBay.

Okay, first, to start this plugin to work, you go into the data where you want to collect information from that page and click on this plugin icon.

This is this window is what the tool comes.

All the features relating to this tool are under this window; it’s not automatically embedded into a page; instead, you can move it around itself completely separated.

First, you can see it shows it has taken the current page value automatically, so you know we are scraping based on which URL and this connected science means is it is automatically connected to the web page.

So if there is a connection, you know, if we scrape, it will take data from here.

This is what we call a new recipe; if you have a configured template on how to scrape, then you can use that here.

For example, if you have done a scraping method on Amazon or eBay and if you have saved it.

What that means is you don’t need to do it every single time again to teach this add on how to scrape data.

Instead, you can save it as a template, and when you want to do it again, you come here and click something from a choice from the same recipe and select that template, and it will automatically start working.

This is one of the premium features.

Let’s get started with the easy one.

Let’s click a new recipe, and you can see the asking what data need to be extracted that what it means by define extractors.

All you need to do click here and go; you can automatically see this surrounding border.

What that means is it automatically visually shows you if you go and you meet it will take the value of this image.

If I go here, it says it will take the item detail example text.

We can visually see what data we can scrape based on this page.

Let’s see I want to scrape the title when I hover here and click here; you can see it has automatically selected a field called zero, and it says the value is bread, and you can also see the data preview.

We can change this field zero to a more understandable column name is If you want let’s say for example product “name,” and you can see it as automatically shows the different preview now let’s scrape the price also click price and let’s take it a few more example, reviews and description we can even scrape image it will make the image URL.

Now we can give the names for each of these columns, for example, prices, reviews found.

We don’t want that; in that case, if you don’t want something, if you click on this particular minus and circle icon, it will automatically delete that column.

So even if you added something wrong, you could remove it anytime here.

We can see the preview for the data here.

Okay, now the next stage of the plugin is to make the plugin know the sources for this data are located, So we go to Step three.

If we don’t want to get the navigation screen all these things, instead you have a list of URLs that are you know, these data’s are stored, you can use the CSV file.

Go here and click on the CSV file here, then you can upload that list, and this Chrome add on will automatically scroll to those lists and scrape this data.

But for most common cases, we won’t have a link placed. In that case, what we need to do is click here, select a link, and you can see the tutorial here as well.

We need to find the navigation page for this URL.

Usually will when we have a product page, the navigation page will be the page in which we came to this product page.

When you click here, it will automatically Mark potential elements that are found as a future data source.

For example, it automatically chooses these elements, which it needs to go into to scrape data according to the way we want.

You can see it has found six elements, and if it found other elements, it will show yours so you can remove it if you don’t want any.

I’ll show you this example, and I’m using Yelp or eBay.

A neat feature is when you hover over these; then, it will visually show this data represents these links.

Once you have done that, the next step you need to define the navigation and how to make sure that this plugin browses from each page to the next page.

To do this, come here to this fourth step, and selected navigation here.

This is navigation; you don’t need to select the second-page third page; all you need to do is find the next page link.

When you click on it, you can see it automatically show you the next page link, and even give the option to test it.

When you click on the test, what it will do is it will automatically scroll this page to the second page so you can see this page navigation works.

Here you can limit the pages you want on how many records you want to scrape here.

That’s it pretty much you have configured everything now; all we need to do is click on Run, and it will get started.

Let’s go into the step five.

You can see, okay. I have forgotten to mention a few more things.

This is if you want to collect data faster, then what it will do is if you open up parallel tabs to collect data, but please note if your internet connection is slow, then it will rather than speeding up the process it can slow down.

So if your internet speed is good, and if you have enough computer resources, then you can, you can always test it to make sure to find the ideal speed position for your use.

In this case, let me select one, and also you can see there are another anti-spam measures which they are built like we can make you add on to wait a specific seconds before navigating to the pages

Now I have two options. I can save it as a recipe to use it next time when I want to scrape the same website. All you need to come here and select that recipe or so I don’t need to do this, step two, step three, step four again, just, it can start from the bottom of the page I have opened up.

Instead, if I start the task, click on will task, and it automatically opens up this window and as well as this window where it has begun scraping six links on the first page.

Now it’s going to the second page, and you can see I have just selected one page.

So if I have chosen more pages, then it will scroll until the number of pages I have configured.

You can see it has created the first entry; It has created the second entry; it is showing the source page and as a source page title.

These are the records which we requested you can see is the product name. It takes the price data, reviews, and description; all this data is showing here.

If we are scraping a website that requires login details to scrape the website like once you have logged on to the members portal, only you will be able to see the data you don’t need to provide any details to this plugin.

What it will do is once you are logged in, all you need to this then open up the extension, and it will scrape, so there’s no requirement to store passwords usernames on this plugin.

All the data you’re scraping all the details you are gathering using this tool.

It’s fully saved on your PC, not in any web server, so they don’t have any record of you doing this.

So everything is fully protected, and you have control over everything.

Now it has completed.

It has automatically downloaded the CSV now let’s open up the CSV so I can show you how it will look on a CSV.

So can scrape any website using this plugin for whatever the details you want.

In futures, they are also currently building a button that automatically transfers this data into a Google Sheet.

That’s how you can scrape data for any websites using any picker.

Now let me show you how to scrape data from some popular website so you can see how it works.

Today I’ll be showing you two examples. One is for years, and one is to Yelp, and the Other one is on eBay.

First, let’s take a look at it. Now let’s find some burger restaurant.

Okay, now let’s go into a listing.

Okay, now it has loaded the listing.

Now lets me open up and start the scraping process.

Now come here, and you’ll select which details we want to scrape Title, Phone number and whether it’s claimed or not.

You can pretty much scrape any details from your email customer reviews; all these things are possible.

This is not mandatory to give name column; this is something we do to make your process easy.

Now I need to go to the previous page to find the other listing similar to this one here

In that case, it means this is the correct link. So once this is currently highlighting, and there are no other groups now, let’s go into the navigation.

Let’s find the navigation for this.

Yeah, this is the navigation, so we need to highlight this picture here. And you can see I have selected the navigation and now I need set page number

Once you are experienced with this plugin, it works really

Let’s see the results now.

Now let’s take a look into another example.

Web scraping for products on eBay.

Select what data we want to scrape

Go to the back page to find other listings.

Click on Start Scrape.

You can pretty much scrap any data you want using this chrome extension.

It’s up to you on what data scrape from beside, without requiring a password & username.

Everything is visual and easy to get started; all you need to do is a Chrome browser.

I hope I have explained everything clearly in this video in case if you have any doubt, then let me know in this comment section below this video, and I will personally respond to each and every comment is important for me.

If you want more useful videos like this on your digital success, then subscribe and press the bell notification because I will be creating more lot more helpful videos like this.

Once again, thank you so much and going forward to seeing you on another video.

Thank you

Highlights (TL;DR):

Does not need your password, you just need to log in your account in chrome web browser.

Shows results in real-time during the task running.

No limitations to how many pages are scrapped during the same time.

Generate CSV Format data & download it from AnyPicker extension.

Show more information

AnyPicker Features

Visual the Extraction Rules

Set Extract rules than easier before. You merely click what you see on the site. And you don’t need need to download any alternative party software. Just use our lightweight chrome extension.

Complete Data Privacy

By using AnyPicker as your scraping tool. You’ll be thrilled to know that data is processed on your neighborhood computer. Protect yourself from prying eyes.

Protect Your Account

If you want to scrape a password-protected website, all you have to do is log in before you begin scraping. Say no to scrapers that want your login information.

Integration with Google Sheets

Save scraped data to Google Sheets with one click. This saves your time and keeps your computer data persistent in your google drive.

No Usage Limitation

We don’t limit just how many pages or sites you can scrape. We also don’t define you how many pages are scrapped at the same time.

Scrapping Multi Pages SIMULTANEOUSLY

By using AnyPicker, you can scrape multiple pages at the same time. You may easily set this up yourself.

Bypass ‘Anti-Scraping’ Technology

We designed Anypicker in that unique way, which it doesn’t need to simulate a person. Actually, by using our tool, Anypicker is a genuine person. Bypass all Anti-Scraping technologies.

Preview Scraping BRING ABOUT Realtime

You don’t need to wait for many tasks to finish to start to see the outcome. By using AnyPicker, you can view the leads to real-time as the task runs.

Export Data as CSV

Want to export your data as a CSV file? By using AnyPicker, you can export data from your local computer as a CSV file. In case you wondered, we’ve no idea what you exported.

AnyPicker Lifetime Deal Benefits

  • Length of access: lifetime
  • This plan is merely open to new users
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within thirty days of purchase
  • Max amount of devices: many
  • Access options: desktop
  • Software version: 1.X
  • Scan page links
  • Next page automation
  • Task parallelism
  • Download CSV file
  • Full email support
  • Unlimited pages
  • Save & Read recipe
  • Auto download data
  • Updates included

AnyPicker Pros

  • Easy to Get Started
  • No coding and entirely visual product
  • No need to save or store passwords
  • All the data is stored on your computer, not in a webserver
  • Fastest scraping solution
  • All you need is Chrome to get started.

AnyPicker Cons

  • No Captcha solving solution
  • Only works with Google Chrome

AnyPicker Conclusion

Overall it’s a great tool to extract data from web pages using the data miner chrome extension. So it’s the best web scraping using web scraper chrome extension.

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