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Archbee Knowledge Base Lifetime Deal

What is it? Knowledge base software for documentation sites, internal wikis, developer guides, API references, SOPs, knowledge bases, diagrams.

Categories: Business, Course & Community, Development, Diagrams & Presentation, Easier Work, Education, HR & Employee, Media

Deal Type: Lifetime Deal

Deal Source: Exclusive

Deal Availability: Expired

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Welcome Archbee Review & Lifetime Deal – Workspace For Your Team Wiki and Knowledgebase,

Archbee is a workspace to manage all the documents and content in one place.

These can be used as know-how, product docs, brainstorms, playbooks, onboarding, best practices, meeting minutes, documentation, etc.

Archbee Review - Wiki, Knowledgebase & Note Taking App Walk-through

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In this video, we will take a look at

I will explain to you what it is and what are the use cases for it.

I will also be showing you a live demonstration on how you can use this tool.

OK, now let’s get started.

Hi, I’m Aston; before we get into the video, I just wanted to let you know that this tool is currently on a lifetime deal, which means you can get this tool for a single, one-time price.

To check more details on it, you can click on the link on the description; it will give you more information on it.

Just note that link isn’t a referral link, which means if you decided to purchase through that link, I would get a small referral commission, but it does not affect the selling price or the explanation of this tool and review while I’m creating this video.

OK, now let’s get into the video.

First, what is is a fully-fledged tool to manage content and documents inside an online workspace.

It’s not a fully entire project management system, or a company management system with customer relations, CRM, or invoicing not like that. This tool is entirely focused on managing your document, add content in whatever the capacity you want.

So you can be wondering what kind of use cases this tool can app. So essentially, there are four main use cases according to my view. First, it’s called the team wiki. What it means is, we can use this tool to manage communication documents and onboarding processes inside of a company to our employees.

For example, we can have our onboarding process with documentation to get a new employee easily integrated into our company. Printing or we can use this tool as a communication procedure or hobby track and communicate effectively within our organization to have centralized information up.

The second type, you can use it as a knowledge base or documentation. For example, if you’re either a digital company or a company that sells local products, it is necessary to have centralized documentation or a section where you need to explain the basic functionality of your procedures product and how to use it.

Otherwise, what happens is sometimes the customer gets stuck on something, or they don’t understand how to use the product effectively, you might lose the customer in that case, you have a centralized app with all the information like reduce takes data, images, all these things.

You need to make it in a single place, which is easy to find and navigate; most of the time, the company has a problem where they have all these resources. But the problem is it is not on a centralized resource place, they will have some on their YouTube channel, they will have someone they up Trello public board, and they will have some on their fake page.

So, the customer, if they are unable to find your resources, essentially, it’s like you won’t be having any resources at all. So, we can use a tool like this to create centralized information up for your customers to understand and use your product quickly. And third, you can use it as project documentation. What it means is it’s either can be a digital company or working on a project-based company.

It can be a project-based company where you need to keep on tracking from the start of the project to the end deliverability of the project; you need to track all the progress towards that all the milestones all the requirements are achieved or not all the feedback gathering all these things, you need a centralized content to where you will be able to track all this.

And at the same time, you can also do the communication, charting, and file sinking option real time editability and also revisions, all these features are needed to make it an effective communication and content management to that way this tool also can be used. And finally, it is the most common way for one-person businesses; for example, you don’t belong in a company organization.

You don’t have a team to work with it, but you are just a freelancer or a one-person army. We are you do all the work for us. In that case, you would need adequate documentation to Vi makes your life much more comfortable. If I have to come to some current tools on the market, I can compare it to something like the notion, or Bandcamp.

I’m not sure about others, but some similar to the notion where you need to track keep track of everything that you are doing now, but notion is available on a monthly charge. But this is currently on a lifetime bill. So you can get it for a one-time price. You can track off your project, what you are doing, what the to-do list, and your notes.

So it will be mostly like a note-taking up but with much more advanced functionalities. So those are the primary use cases of it. Now, let me directly go into their website, and I jump into the demonstration section of this video, where I’ll try to show all the main functionalities of this. Now let me go into the dashboard. You can see the dashboard is divided into three main sections.

The first section at the dock, which is the navigational panel to navigate under different sections, and it also gives you full control over your account and privileges everything. The second section is for navigation or documents. You can manage multiple documents, any irritation. Management of the documents can be performed here.

The final third tab, which is the biggest one, it’s purely Full-Text Editor editing your document adding new content to your document, all the editorial functions of the document is allocated here. Now before we go into this, I’ll explain the section one by one so you can get an idea.

First, the thing is you there is a search to search everything This particular what I’ve created is maximum This is what we call as a project base what it means is let’s say; you can consider a project base as one brand, for example, you feel my managing to brands then you would ideally need to get to project basis which mean you need to stack another core to get an extra project base because whatever the files or documents or folders you are everything will be associated with that particular brand.

If you’re just using it for one company or your own personal, you will be completely fine with having one project base and creating all these documents you can also have multiple company files inside one project base. Still, management will be becoming difficult because you won’t know which documents suits for which brand and color optimization all these edits.

So, mostly my guidance considered as one project base to one brand, and you would be good to go OK. So, here you can see, I have created a project-based called axiom that is my digital marketing company. So, that is the brand name and pay below that I can either so many projects, not sorry. So many documents space what means these are subfolders under this company.

And these subfolders I can also categorize according to the documents or the process via, For example, we are for employee onboarding and this folder to help document documents relating to the onboarding of employee We have something for a CEO, the process templates, all these things so we can have so many documents basis. I think currently it’s unlimited so you can have hundreds of these according to the way you want.

Now, let me just quickly create documents based on this video’s sake; it’s blue, and click Create, and you can see I have created a new document space. Inside this document phase, which is a root subfolder, you can have multiple documents to use effectively.

For example, either you can create a new document or import a new document from your computer, they have a couple of options whether it’s a markup based document or a Word document, you can do that, or you can use all these templates which they have given you.

You can see there have several of these markers. Project if you click on any of it, it will show you a preview.

It’s not yet imported; it is just showing the preview; it has automatically created all this map markup and created a project structure and everything. So can use this if you want you can just for the sake of it, let me check another template also you can see they have already given all this checklist and everything.

So like that, some project templates also available. If you are, if you want this template, just you need to do is click on the use template. Now you can see that that project proposal has been created, and it automatically put into the folder called example. So now we can do all the edits we want from your project click here you can see everything gets updated. In real-time, so one way is to use the templates to create a project. Or another way you can do is without having any template; you can do everything from scratch, all you need to do is click on your document now can do everything from scratch.

OK, now before I go into the editing or publishing of these documents and folders before I go into that now, just quickly go over some other features so I can get those out of the way.

I can primarily focus on the core functionality of the two. First is these templates; it shows all the templates available, we can create and store the templates we want.

We can also create a new template specially made for us; we can do that from here. I can make a template and save it, and using this, you can export it, and there’s also an archive section in case If you don’t want my document to be not to delete it.

Still, you want to use it on a later date; then, you can simply archive it and click on OK, then it will get deleted from the sorry get archived from there and be stored under a year. So you can use it under there later purpose to get moved back with another space.

Also, you can use it if we have created a document in one place. And if you want to move it into another document, you can move from here. And if you click on here, it will ask you to which space you want to move, and you can move back and forth.

And also there’s another thing where if you want to duplicate it, you can do that, and it will create a clone and also there is an IRR key value can create a parent element with child nodes child document This is basically like having the main page and inside that you can also have sub-pages so you can do that year.

You can create a child node from directly from here. So all these things are available editing options. And let me quickly over show you the other option. Your team activity will show you all the activities done by your team or your particular member.

So you can load no activity To see more information on that if I don’t have other activities right now, that’s why it’s not showing other empty. Still, it is easy to keep a revision on changelog on what is happening; you can invite other team members from here you can see it’s asking a favor of multiple workspaces as we have been adding here then we can select the workspace we want to work with.

From there, we can create invite each team member, and we can assign various groups according to the privileges they need to edit the system; we can create administrator groups, or you can even create a custom group with rules.

I’ll do everything on my own. You can give a title. The best thing about this tool is you don’t need to know any coding even HTML Oh, anything; you don’t need to do it, everything is almost like we should. So if you’re a non-technical person, or if you’re planning to use this tool with your customers or your employees who might not have the entire technical knowledge, even, for example, if you want to do a WordPress editing, you would need some kind of advanced education, especially if you all want to create a table, all this stuff right here, you don’t need any technical knowledge because everything is visual to be easy starting, or you’re able to start using it as soon as you discover this platform. That’s the thing. So you can give a title tied to one radio, you can do any of this. There are a couple of things one, you this is what we call the focus mode.

If you want to focus only on working content, you don’t want any distractions here, just click on here, and it will only try to show the documents now so you can work without any distraction. And it will show all the profile features of all the individuals who have access to this document, which are made changes, which contributed to this document; it will show all these details year. And yeah, you can see the difference between the focus and read mode is you with the focus mode on you’re able to add still, add content, all these things are possible, but when you make as a read mode, the editing functions completely gets disappeared.

So you can see the preview of what we’re working so far how it will be actually when to when it’s all done without even leaving the space so you can toggle the read mode off and on. By clicking on whether you want to read the document or edited, then when I click Edit document now, the section will Content all the editing capture capabilities and everything.

The chat is another neat function if you have invited other members into individuals into this document space. Now you can use this to chat with them; you can say this is a message, and no one received this now because only I’m editing this document, but let’s say, for example, you have other individuals also working inside this project well then they can chat with us.

So we can discuss what we need to do, what are the changes all these things we can eliminate email communication or message, we can do it from here. So though those are the main functionalities on this navigation, you can also add some other functionality like this just document in forges basic details, and you can invite a member to this project from here.

For example, if you just want to address simple text, you’d need only to do this and enter. It’s done everything you can go back and edit everything is done. But it also gives us other formatting options like you can insert bullet list. You can do that. Or you can make a numbered list to list one.

You can do all those stuff. And you can also have a checkbox you can see, let me click on it. You can do that. And there isn’t a table if you want to add a table you can do column one, column two can do that.

Add rows can see we can if we want to move these things also, we can do it here; let’s say, for example, if I want to move, I can see I can move it. And also, there is an option to add a message inside this doc so I can talk about this table and everything.

Let me close that we go into the Edit section. Now I can do that.

If I want to add a new row just click on enter it will keep on adding the row content similarly with the content; also you can see and then if you want to add multi-tasker This is something like an easy to to-do list something like the progress you can do this creates a three-column stable like this with easy to add options that you can embed a picture here directly.

You can embed a video, and this is some for some developer quarters where they can insert a code snippet if they want.

So, this is a specialist will be a suitable way to working any on digital products; you need this for advanced capability, then you can do that.

It also has some more development coding functions suitable for the developer. I have not used any of this. This is good. You can create changelogs on what the features are added and not you can do that. Let me create this one.

If you want to embed a video, you just give the URL often a YouTube or Vimeo link, and it will Ember that video like that. It also provides us with the option to use an image URL to me Word inside the document, or you can upload the image only for the YouTube videos, it has the restriction. OK, now that is out, the things are done.

Before we go into the publishing if we want to just preview it without editing capability, just click on reef now you can see not editable everything is like a static hour it will be seen to the viewer, it shows you if I want, I can’t make any edit here.

That’s the main thing. So we can do that. And it oh you and also you don’t need to save any of this, these all these things are getting automatically saved so you won’t lose progress. You don’t need to keep on remembering to save changes before exiting all these stuff are collected automatically. So that is how we edit this stuff so if we if you want to publish it now.

You can go here and click on the For that; you can control the publishing settings for each subfolder.

You can see, we can give a space name here. And it’s asking whether it should I want to make this space public or not. What it means is if I don’t make it as public, only the invited members, which we did, only will be able to access according to their privileges. But if you make it public, anyone with this link, and if you say password with the password, we’ll be able to access the workspace that documents base.

So let me click on make it public, and it is asking for the other option. If you want any other options, you can do this. This is the URL where the public can build this so-called you can copy it, and you can use it to check it before we go into the public section. There’s also option two you can see we can control this Members privileges for this documents paste from here we can see whether we want to have the read-write ability, we can add permission, all these things are possible. And public UI, if I want to have as a different title, different logo, different color, and everything we can establish here, you can change the logo year at a different color, you can do all these things.

This is what we call this a navigation link for the document’s base. Let’s say, for example, you want to give other linking to the various separate section or other resources relating to your service or documents. You can do that here, for example, if you want to create a Contact link, then you can do it. I don’t one on your I can give this; literally, you have a Contact link. And I can do that.

If I want to have another one for a submit deal. I can do that. And click on Add link, and you can have navigation now. That’s what it is. And this is security. This is what it’s asking whether Do you want to, or you want to enable the users to access this document.

You can also use a password, or you can use accounts with subscriptions, and everything it’s asking on have you want to make the document accessible, whether it’s no password or password or subscriptions, all these things are available.

The instructions are shown here, and based on that, it will reflect the public URL, and you can change it. So custom.

You have a couple of integrations. One you can either use connect to Google Analytics, where you can use this dot google analytics to track the analytics on how the visitors engage with your documents while what they’re reading all this good stuff, you can track it with Google Analytics.

I wanted to show you another great functionality here. You let me see which one is this one. This is another cool feature; I almost missed it. What it is, it just does not only gives us tables options, so anything, it also provides us with the opportunity to create diagrams within our editorial section.

For example, I can insert a box, let me see I can drag and drop, I can edit it. Sorry, I need to go to your main screen. And I can create all these things. And also, if you click on the search, you can now search for hundreds of service API’s and everything, for example, let me go and so it’s made you can see all the options on Automatically shown if I click automatically drags here so I can link it here.

I can see I can make it linkable to here. And from MailChimp. If I want to go to access, I will save the data to a database, and I want to show it you show to the user visually, then I can create a now Now I can select whatever I want.

I can now I can make a diagram. So you can see how easily I can create visual diagrams also, with this you can see all these features are available. That text option is possible to write down at the text.

OK, now let me show you the published version of how it will look like.

You can see this is what it looks like in the documentation. You can see this is where the title if we entered a logo, it will show here it will show you the various documents here. And this is a navigation section which I created if you can remember, you can click on any of it, and it will take to that clink. If you have embedded a chat form, it will show you, and you can see it automatically shows all these details, and everything can see how nice it looks.

OK, that’s it for the demonstration now I

I think I have covered almost all the main functionality. In case if I missed something, I will make an update on the video, and inside this review post, I inspire it. I will find out while I’m doing the editing section then I will do it.

So if you’re interested in this, you can get it by clicking on the link on the video description, and by clicking on the get lifetime deal from here, you will be able to get the deal.

So if you have any questions on this on how to use these things, please let me know, and I will be able to help you, and thank you so much for checking out this video.

I hope it was useful and I’ll see you guys in another great video. Thank you.

Highlights (TL;DR):

Your Team Wiki – Create a fast real-time WIKI to help towards your team’s growth.

Project Documentation – Build amazing project documents with Archbee’s native diagrams, API docs, tables, change-logs, maps, and more.

Knowledgebase – Share knowledge about your products and services to your real customers that helps build great relations with them.

Notes -Take down any type of notes like personal, team, technical, and meeting. Everything!

Show more information

PROS of Archbee

  • Amazing collaborative and feature-rich editor.
  • Simple straightforward (Non-technical) interface.
  • Chatting function to help you communicate with your team.
  • Diagram creator to visually map and create a workflow.
  • Advance support to Swagger, OpenAPI spec & GraphiQL.
  • Unlimited storage space and documents.

CONS of Archbee

  • Unable to upload video directly.
  • Unable to create a hierarchy between document spaces.
  • Not mobile-friendly.

What does Archbee offer?

  • Your Team Wiki
  • Knowledgebase
  • Project Documentation
  • Notes
  • Collaborative editor
  • External Docs
  • Chat on docs
  • Native diagrams
  • Real code editor
  • Import Swagger/OpenAPI spec
  • GraphiQL for modern API workflows
  • Templates
  • Semantic searching

Lifetime Deal Benefits

  • 10 Members with CNAME support
  • 1 Workspace
  • 10 GB File Upload
  • Remove Archbee Branding
  • Unlimited Doc Revision History
  • Unlimited Public Collections
  • Unlimited Collections Revisions
  • Guest Accounts (free) for Public Collections
  • 2 Public Collections with a Custom Domain
  • Single Sign-On with Slack & Google
  • User Groups Based Access Control
  • Slack integration
  • 60 days Refund Policy

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