Gumlet WP Image CDN & Optimization Lifetime Deal
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Gumlet WP Image CDN Lifetime Deal

Image resize-as-a-service to ease image optimization and delivery. It provides a faster and lighter experience to your users.
Expired January 16, 2020
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Gumlet WP Image CDN Lifetime Deal

Gumlet is image resize-as-a-service to ease image optimisation and delivery. It provides a faster and lighter experience to your users.

Highlights (TL;DR):

Best for: SMBs, media and content sites, and e-commerce companies that want to optimize images and improve page speed.

Quickly optimize website images and improve page load speed with no coding required.

No restrictions on the number of images or versions—only pay for the CDN bandwidth used.

Automatically resize images based on device resolution with smart device detection.

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Gumlet automatically optimizes images, so your pages load faster, and visitors stay engaged longer.

Slow page speeds can lead to site visitors ghosting you without taking any action (“Hey, hey, where are you going? I thought we were having fun!”).

With Gumlet, you can automatically optimize all the images on your site and get them delivered via Gumlet’s global content delivery network (CDN).

Your one-time integration with JavaScript and WordPress plugins helps you quickly optimize images on your entire site without needing to edit any code.

The wide variety of devices out there means lots of different resolutions, and remembering all of them can be a nightmare (just like trying to remember all your friend’s dog’s birthdays).

Gumlet uses smart device detection to automatically identify the correct resolution and optimize images, so they look great on a phone, tablet, or desktop.

The plugins for JavaScript and WordPress deliver the optimized images straight to your site, so you never have to make any changes to your code.

There is no restriction on the number of images or versions you optimize and no limit to the number of websites—only pay for the amount of bandwidth used by the CDN to deliver the images.

Getting started with Gumlet is easy.

Add your image source folder to Gumlet, then add the Javascript or WordPress plugin to start optimizing images.

When it comes to processing and delivering optimized images, Gumlet uses AWS CloudFront for caching and delivery and has processing servers around the world, so it’s always reliable. (Ain’t no mountain high enough to keep images from gettin’ to you.)

Gumlet can reduce image size by at least 60% and increase page load speed while reducing CDN costs.

You can see all your image requests and the delivery performance, filtered by source and by month on the analytics dashboard within Gumlet.

Look at the amount of bandwidth you’ve used to determine your spending, so you can always keep an eye on your costs.

To see how your images are performing before and after Gumlet optimization, use the Image Optimization Report to identify areas of improvement.

Gumlet Benefits

Responsive Re-sizing of Images

All you need is to link your image source to Gumlet. Our Smart javascript module selects the best image size needed for the user screen and sends the optimized image

Auto Compression and WebP

Image compression and optimized image delivery mean lower bandwidth usage. Gumlet can save you up to 40% in CDN bills.

SEO Advantage

Sites that are slow on mobile devices are downranked by Google, affecting SEO. Gumlet makes sure your images load blazing fast

Developer Productivity

Gumlet frees developers from tedious maintenance of different image sizes. You can keep one source image, and the rest will be auto-generated by Gumlet.

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2 thoughts on “Gumlet WP Image CDN Lifetime Deal”

  1. I have been using Gumlet for the past week. They are great in most things but could improve in others.

    Please refer to the Pros and Cons section for more details.

    Hope this helps. Please correct me if i mentioned anything wrongly.

    + PROS:
    Their image optimization is superb.

    No image cache limit.

    Support JS and CSS delivery.

    They introduced Canonical URL for SEO. Which according to them and Google docs, is the same as having a custom CNAME record.
    Will support video in the future.

    Their servers are blazing fast. I guess for me it loads from Singapore since I am in Malaysia.

    After setting up everything and doing some tweaking, i reduced the website load time from 6+s to 2+s which is amazing.

    – CONS:
    Their WordPress plugin works but user options are minimum.

    In order to use their JS and CSS cdn delivery functions i had to use another plugin. They suggest to use WPRocket which is a paid plugin. I used WP Fastest Cache free version and keyed in the Gumlet subdomain into the custom CDN section. After that it works great. I hope they build-in the JS snd CSS delivery function inside Gumlet’s own wordpress plugin soon.

    Their support for wordpress builder like Divi is not great i guess. Because Divi have background images URL in different css files but in order for Gumlet to work properly with background image, we must set to inline CSS (if i am not mistaken. I might understood this wrongly. I referred to their Docs). Neither Eleganthemes support or Gumlet support were able to help in this matter.

    Their support is abit hit and miss. Very slow reply and didn’t help much for me to set up the CSS and JS settings for wordpress.

    I guess Gumlet is not yet fully optimized for WordPress but everything else is great. If you dont use WordPress now, i think Gumlet is the best.


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