Themexa Lifetime Deal

What is it? An Advanced WordPress File Manager.

Categories: WordPress

Deal Type: Lifetime Deal

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WordPress is a powerful CMS that can help you build a website and publish, with little technical knowledge.

WordPress is also quite complicated. In fact, it can be downright confusing for new users to set up and manage content.

That’s where Themexa comes in.

Themexa is the advanced WordPress File Manager and delete, edit, download, upload, zip, paste, and copy folders and files straight from the WP backend.

It solves the all-too-common struggle of not knowing what’s in the WordPress directory, not being able to find a specific file, or deleting an important file by accident.

It’s the ultimate WordPress File Manager!

Highlights (TL;DR):

An Advanced WordPress File Manager.

WordPress Locale Language Support Included.

Never Slow Down Your Website.

Drag and Drop & Fullscreen View for Convenience.

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  • All Standard Deal Features
  • For 1 Site
  • 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee

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