Statfolio Lifetime Deal
81% OFF
Lifetime Deal

Statfolio Lifetime Deal

Stock and ETF Portfolio Tracker.
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Statfolio Lifetime Deal

Investing in stocks or ETFs? Want to keep track of your investments and stay ahead of the market? Then you need Statfolio!

Statfolio is a stock and ETF portfolio tracker that lets you track the performance of your investments, as well as create personalized portfolios. With real-time updates, professional charts and graphs, and intuitive design, it’s easy to stay on top of your investments.

You can import data from different sources, like brokerage services, or manually enter it. They make it easy for you to keep track of your portfolio and to see how the different investments are performing.

Whether you are an individual investor or a professional trader, this app can help you find new investment opportunities or manage your current ones.

Highlights (TL;DR):

Powerful Analytics to Understand Your Holdings.

Insightful Segmentations to Understand the Industries.

Automatic Aggregation to Check Performance.

All-in-One Stock & ETF Portfolio Tracking.

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What’s included in this deal:

  • Lifetime Access to Statfolio Pro Plan
  • Unlimited Orders
  • 10 Portfolios
  • High Priority Support
  • Unlimited Holdings
  • Updates Included

Get lifetime access for just $99 one-time payment.

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