FileStreams Lifetime Deal

What is it? Upload & Share Unlimited Files

Categories: Backup & Storage, Cloud

Deal Type: Lifetime Deal

50% OFF

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Do you want to safely keep and backup the essential files you need?

Do you worry about keeping your family pictures and videos on important documents?

Rely on low-storage devices , or software.

All the media files you need are secure and archival.

Meet FileStreams Lifetime Deal

Share and upload unlimited file.

It is designed to reduce the cost of storage and also it provides Scalable Solutions to store your important documents and files.

Upload multiple files at one time and store them forever on this website.

When you’re running Firefox or Chrome it’s easy to drag and drop your file to start uploading.

FileStreams Features

  • Flexible Cloud Storage is only the solution to the growing demand and costs of Physical Storage solution which is vulnerable to failures and infections.
  • Full support for Android, IOS, Blackberry, Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. by using our recommended applications. It’s cross-device/OS.
  • Our multi-file uploader is Ajax built, and created in HTML5 and supported by every modern browser. As opposed to other file upload scripts that rely on Flash, this one doesn’t rely on Flash as well as Java applets. This means that users don’t require additional plugins in their browser.
  • Watch video, browse Excel, Word and PDF Files directly from the File Streams dashboard.
  • If you want to share your files publicly or with Colleagues With File Stream’s built-in privacy features, you can make your file Public or password protected (Private) in just a few clicks. File Sharing via Embeds, Email, and Social Network Links.
  • Users can drag and drop the files they upload directly from their desktops to their browser.
  • Get statistics for each file No. of visitors, countries visited top referrers, browsers as well as Operating System.
  • You deleted the File accidentally and it was deleted by mistake, no issue. If you accidentally delete the File, no problem. Deleted Files go to the Trash Can and remain in the trash for 30 days. you are able to restore deleted files after 30 days after the deletion.

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FileStreams Lifetime Deal

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