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Postpace is a new generation automation software that saves you hours of topic research and helps you write faster and better.

Postpace’s patent pending technology finds the best sources to curate your content, analyze topics in terms of keyword relevance, and create a customized outline that you can use as a guide to create your content in minutes.

Highlights (TL;DR):

Generate a topic report for your keyword.

Share & get feedback on your content brief.

Finds and fetches data from multiple sources to identify content opportunities for you.

Create a content brief from the report.

Postpace breaks down every piece of top-ranking contents into bite-sized information.

Postpace’s Content Optimizer is a content editing dashboard to automate optimization workflow.

Postpace Review - Content Research & Outline Tool (How I Use It? Pros & Cons)

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Hi guys
it’s Alston.

In this video, we are going to learn
about postpace, the sections for this video.

First, I’m going to explain what this tool
does and showcase you all the features

and functionality and explain
all the data it provides.

And I will be sharing my final conclusion

on how I am personally using postspace
for the last couple of months and how

might it help you and along
with its cons and pros.

OK, let’s get started.

First, what is Postpace?

This is a content research and outline tool

basically, which helps you to speed
up your content writing process.

This might feel
confusing for beginner users on what I am

actually talking about,
but when I go through app and showcase

each of its functionality, then you will
get a better source of understanding.

So just remember, it’s not ai writer,
it’s not a keyword research tool.

It merely a tool which enables you to do
research for your content much faster.


let me go into the dashboard.

This is one of the tools
which has a really simple

UX flow

there is no complex steps at all
& there not many features.

It is really simple
and straightforward tool.

And you can see

there are four main categories,
which is one content planner,

the screen which I am in and topic report,
content brief and content projects.

Let me go one by one.

Content planner is like a social media

calendar or just your personal calendar
where you can plan out content on where

you want to create at what
stage the content is.

Do I want to go and create a report?

I’ll explain what all these things are.

Do you want to create brief all this data?

You can have an high level view on what you
need to do, what date

you want to create,
and you can also create different title.

You can add it to the planner.

You can set it as whether it’s on draft or
do you want to it set it as review published.

It’s like a basic content social media
calendar, which I do not use personally.

And that’s why you are not seeing any

of my reports here, because I do not use
this kind of feature inside postpace.

But you have that option for you also have
the option to switch this to a list view

if you want, you can see a list
rather than the calendar itself.

Let me go into one of my favorite feature,

which is the topic reports,
which is the main tool feature.

Basically you come here and you
already have a keyword you want to write.

That’s why I mentioned this
is not a keyword research tool.

You find out the keyword or blog post
which you are already planning to write

and you come and take
that keyword and put it into here.

For example, in this case,
let’s say I’m going to do

“SEO in Tamil”

which is another article I’m writing.

So in this case, I’m giving my title or
main keyword,

which I want to rank on Google, and I can
select the Google country which I want to have.

For example, I have all these different
options on pretty much all the Google.

Let me for this case,
I’m going to focus on India.

I also have different

languages, which is supported. Not
all the languages are supported.

So I’m just scrolling down so you can see

whether your
languages are supported in this case.

You can see Tamil is not supported.

So I can’t use Tamil in this case.

I’m just going to leave it as English

and just I need to create a report that’s it
basically now what will happen is it will

use this keyword selected
search engine and the language.

Go to Google and try to scrap top 15

results and give you
a summarized data from it.

For example, let me close out this
and you can see this is preparing.

Actually, let me refresh and see whether

it is done or I can use another report
to show you guys what I’m talking about.

Basically, it’s preparing.

It will take anywhere from 30
seconds to two minutes or so.

It should be fast in this case.

I’m just going to open up another report,

which I’ve done just you
can see on 23rd.

So I’m going to open up that.

Once you’ve done that,
you can click on this button and you will

be coming up to a screen,
something like this.

Basically you have the option
to download the report also if you want.

Basically it will show you
a basic summary of the overview.

It will show your average word count

for this particular keyword on the top 15 results.

So you can have an idea on how much

content should I write to be competitive.

Average readability and also keyword

frequency like how many times this
actual keyword has been used and this will

give me a quick highlight of the top 15
ranking URL, their word count, readability,

how many time keywords has been used, image

H tags which is heading tags and view
article so I can get a quick high level

overview idea on what my competitors
and their content depth.

That is also possible.

And if I scroll down,

I get the same information
which I got in the list format.

Now I’m getting in a nice graph format.

I don’t personally find this useful,
but if you are a person would like to have

a visual approach, then this might be
interesting to you if I scroll down.

This is one of the important
part of this tool.

It provides all the outlines,
which means it goes to a website,

it scrapes their H1 heading, H2 heading, H3 Heading,

H4 Heading and
puts everything in one single position

without any tabs or moving to a different
screen’s & expanding all these things.

It provides everything in a single
nice graphical user interface.

For example, this is the ranking one
results it shows the title,

it gives me outline and shows, which is the H2 to
H3 on what these guys are doing.

And you can see automatically

from the screen itself,
I’m able to see all the four top

ranking results and what is the structure
of their article so I can immediately

prepare my topic outline
based on my competitors.

So you can see if I scroll down and it shows

all the different H tags which is available on that.

And you’re not just
able to stop their and collect it in notepad.

The provided a tool called

view content brief.

Where inside that you would not see all

these things because this
is an existing article.

You will see something like this where
automatically you get the title and you

can now click on any of the title you want
and it will be added into this outline.

For example, I want to focus on what is

keyword research, so I click on it
and you can see that is done.

So I need to add another section on how
to find keyword brainstorm seed keyword.

These are really good for me.

And let’s say, for example,

I am liking this,
so you just click on whichever the title

you are interested on it and automatically
all this title will be added for you.

So you can use this to drag around,

you can change the topic order or even
edit all the things you don’t like.

If you want to add certain words, you can
do that or you can add your own a headline.

Also, for example, if I’m coming here

and you can see,
I can add text here and my title one.

I can do that.
I can delete it.

All these things are possible.

And once I’ve done that,

I can essentially copy this or
use this in the report itself.

For example, if I copy this and open up
this in a notepad and you can see this is

our I’m going to get the title
outline immediately.

So this content brief editor helps me

to easily copy all
the clicked titles into clipboard.

If I scroll down

now, I’m going to get some further data
into the summary content research.

These are the top 15 results.

Now, it also shows me the questions

which it found on Google for my keyword
and also it will give a relevancy

score also and it shows the source.

So if I want to see actual source for this

particular question and what are
the answers they are provided,

I can immediately go there
and find more details about it.

So if I scroll down, you can see it taking

questions from quora,
Reddit and also people ask section.

In the bottom

I’m also getting some related
keywords from Google.

The bottom you you can find these data.

So it’s bringing that and it’s
also bringing me all the all the ALT texts.

ALT texts means the keyword which has been

used for the image to describe
that image for a SEO purposes.

And I can get ALT tags keyword ideas
what other are doing in terms of images keywords.

I can add these as well
to my content brief.

If I keep on scrolling down.

I’m also getting outbound URLs
which the competitors are linking to what

are the source article
and what it is linking to.

This is really good for me to find.

What are the products
they are recommending?

If this a affiliate article, what
are products they are affiliated with?

If this is the industry content,

then I can find what other
sources they are linking to.

So what are the data they are getting,

which are the links they
consider as authority?

So I can have a quick high level view and get

the URL along with the anchor text and where the ranking position for that.

Also, if I scroll down, you can see it
does bring me a lot of outbound links.

And that is what you get from a topic

report, brief summary and easy to see all data on one screen

First important con is that you get the easy
approach but you are lacking on data

depth for example,
I can’t see inside this.

What is the text they are written.

I have to go inside the article directly

and find it out for something
like outranking.

I can see that also inside it,
but the workflow is completely different.

So this is up to you on what kind

of workflow you prefer if I
go into the content brief.

Now, it’s another simple way of going to content brief.

We can see I have created it.

I can view the brief
which I created here directly.

For example, if I click on View,

it will show me all the content brief
I can copy to clipboard or edit it or share

with whoever I choose or if I go there
and I can edit & share these options

here also if I click on edit brief,

you can see it will go back
to that screen with the content brief.

You can see I can do that and I can start

editing so it’s automatically saved and
you will get the content brief option.

The content project might be useful
for someone, but still it’s not up

to my standards where if I want
to improve the content based on and write

the content within the post,
you can do it from here.

For example, if I click on Optimize after
creating content, you will be presented here.

Where it’s like a basic HTML editor.

You can write everything.

For example, I’m going to the title.

This is basically where you write the entire

article and this will grade
your score for example.

You can add more keywords.

If you want secondary keywords,
you can optimize that for.

It will also give overall a SEO score

and the number of words you are using
readability it will measure it.

Keywords used, heading, article types and it

will also give you certain suggestions
like what are the things you want to focus

and emphasis on and topics on what other
topics you can focus on these data

and heading all this data. Personally still
this section is not up to my mark.

I like to get more in-depth data from NLP,
they are saying that it’s on road map.

So if you are watching this video

on a later date,
they probably would be available.

But as of now, it’s not available.

I also like to see a lot more competitive
insights when I like to write.

So far, my favorite to write is has
been marketmuse and postpace

I’m just using for topic report.

So in conclusion, Postpace is
how I’m using for the last two months

to get the first initial
step of the research part.

I don’t want to focus too much data.

I just want to get a summarized overview

data at the first step of my content
research process and in one screen.

And I don’t like to browse around,
view all this data,

but I get the summarized information
in one screen and I create a brief.

I understand the market,
I understand the industry focus.

Where how the competitors are
focusing for this keyword.

Then I go

their from my other content research
tools like outranking, marketmuse or


to finish up
my content research process.

So it is not a keyword research tool.

It’s not a AI writer but it’s just a simple

and easy way to see a summarized version
of all the content needs and do a content

research and outline
process really quickly.

I hope this video was helpful.

And thank you so much for watching.

And I see you guys in another great video.

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