DoRoyal Eternal Kingdom Lifetime Deal

What is it? Website Hosting

Categories: Hosting

Deal Type: Lifetime Deal

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DoRoyal is a world-class web hosting company that has been providing world-class services to everybody for over a decade. Today, they’re offering a zero-cost monthly plan as well as a yearly plan. The price you pay once is the price you pay forever. It’s truly that simple!

Creating and maintaining a successful website is easy with DoRoyal’s Eternal Kingdom hosting plan. Are you already hosted somewhere else? If you are currently using a cPanel-based hosting provider, DoRoyal can migrate your current website for free. Contact their migrations department after ordering, and they’ll move your existing website.

Key Features

  • All About cPanel
    • You can easily create and manage your email accounts with this tool
    • Make sure that your website is using the latest PHP version
    • You can manage all the files and databases on your website
  • Script Installer. You can install, update, and manage over 300 free web apps and scripts, such as WordPress, with Softaculous, an application built into cPanel.
  • Staging, Made Easy. Your WordPress installation can be easily managed, upgraded, backed up, cloned, or staged.
  • Programming & Databases. MariaDB, phpMyAdmin, PHP 5.6-8.1, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Python, Curl, GD Library, ImageMagick, JailedSSH, Cron Job Scheduling, & of course much more!
  • Email Features
    • Access to unlimited email accounts
    • Access to Horde, RoundCube, SpamAssassin, unlimited aliases, autoresponders, and forwarders on Internet mail
  • Application Support. WordPress, Joomla, OpenCart, WHMCS, MyBB, phpBB, MediaWiki, & more
  • 99.9% Uptime
    • Having a reliable hosting network is one of DoRoyal’s strengths
    • We will provide you with an account credit if, for some reason, your website is not available 99.9% of the time
  • Quality Support. Response time of 12 hours guaranteed (average response time of 45 minutes)

Plan Highlights

  • Disk Space. Disk space is provided with each account at 3B
  • Monthly Bandwidth. Each account comes with 100GB of bandwidth per month
  • Unlimited Websites. Lifetime plans allow you to host as many websites as you want. Your new domain will be treated as a new website as soon as it’s added to your account
  • Unlimited Subdomains. Yes, you will be able to create as many subdomains as you require. No restrictions are placed on this
  • Unlimited Email Accounts. There is no limit to the number of email accounts you can create. The ability to do so will be available both in our storefront panel and in cPanel.
  • Softaculous Installer. Whether it’s WordPress, Drupal, MyBB, MediaWiki or another script, every account comes with over 300 easy to install scripts

Check out DoRoyal Eternal Kingdom Lifetime Deal

  • Get lifetime access for just $49 one-time payment.

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