ShareDocView Lifetime Deal

What is it? Analytics for Your Shared Documents.

Categories: Data Analytics

Deal Type: Lifetime Deal

75% OFF

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You know how it goes: you write a brilliant document, you share it with your team, and then you never get a reply. Or your document finds its way to the top of the inbox and is scrolled past faster than that cute guy from accounts payable.

Here’s the solution: with ShareDocView, you’ll be able to get analytics on who viewed your documents.

ShareDocView is a service that lets you instantly view who’s viewing, printing, and downloading your document. There’s no software you need to download on your computer, and no complicated configuration–just a visitor counting solution that works for all types of documents.

Highlights (TL;DR):

Simply upload docs and share links like videos on YouTube.

No need to install any software.

Keep shareable team files organized in one place.

Add your company watermark and branding.

Update your Docs even after sending it.

Analytics for your documents.

Keep your doc private and generate a request access.

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What’s included in this deal:

  • Unlimited Leads
  • Unlimited Monthly Visits
  • 10GB Storage
  • 500MB File Size
  • Get Notifications for Downloads
  • Verify Visitor’s Emails
  • Configurable Watermark

Get lifetime access for just $299.99 one-time payment.

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